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Watsco is the largest distribution network for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) products with locations in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and on an export basis to Latin America and the Caribbean. Watsco estimates that over 350,000 contractors and technicians visit or call one of its 692 locations each year to get information, obtain technical support and buy products.

Yearly Figures
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
FYE: 12/31 2023 2022 2021 2020
Net Revenues $7,283,767 $7,274,344 $6,280,192 $5,054,928
Net Income $536,337 $601,167 $418,945 $269,579
Earnings Per Share 13.67 15.41 10.78 7.01
Quarterly Figures
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
              Third Quarter
FYE: 12/31 9/30/24 9/30/23
Net Revenues $2,160,036 $2,126,845
Net Income $171,031 $170,953
Earnings Per Share 4.22 4.35
Contact Information
Contact Name: Rudy Bolton
Contact Title: Investor Relations
Phone: 305-714-4108