About Us

The Public Register serves the Investor Relations community by maintaining and distributing the nation's largest selection of annual reports, as well as responsive, Internet-based systems for IR data delivery.

Formerly Security Traders Handbook, the company has been owned and operated by Bay Tact Corporation since 1988. For more than 25 years, we have continually enhanced our services to encompass everything from traditional hard copy reports to electronic documents to dynamic IR applications.

We are proud to have earned the trust of buy-side registered investment advisors and high-net-worth investors throughout The United States, while maintaining our corporate ideals of family dedication, balance and team collaboration. In doing so, our average employee tenure is 18 years, while our product offering remains innovative and fresh.

Our core values of loyalty, commitment, timeliness and quality have sustained us through volatile economic cycles. These values are shared by like-minded partners who help us advance the tools of your trade - making The Public Register your number one source for both traditional and technological IR solutions.

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